Northern Territory Business Events (NTBE) offers incentive planners an innovative and inclusive way to reward high achievers where it may not be possible to deliver an in-person program or where there is simply a preference to deliver a program differently. NT Virtual Incentive Programs (NTVIP) is a concept that involves shipping a tangible product from an NT-based product or experience and once delivered, the recipient participates in an online, virtual component to experience the NT in the comfort of their home or office.
Incentive experiences branded with NTVIP can be delivered in a virtual environment (as well as in person) with examples such as a didgeridoo lesson where the recipient virtually interacts with an artist learning how to play their very own didgeridoo and a unique dot painting class where recipients create their own masterpiece with an artist online whilst also receiving an original, and valuable, piece of art shipped directly from one of the many art galleries in the NT.
Planners interested in delivering an NTVIP will be connected directly with products and experiences to develop a bespoke program that will enrich their teams both personally and professionally.
Contact the NT Business Events team to learn more.